

A description of my work, published and unpublished.

Middle-grade fantasy: Hero's Sword
Power Play: Hero's Sword Vol. 1

Hero's Sword is a middle-grade fantasy series available as an ebook from Delabarre Publishing. The series follows Jaycee Hiller, an eighth grader who is just trying to survive middle school, through her adventures in the world of her favorite video game, "Hero's Sword." What Jaycee learns about surviving quests for Lady Starla of Mallory helps her learn about the real-life quest of surviving eighth grade.

Power Play: Hero's Sword Volume 1: Available from AmazonBarnes and NobleKobo, and the iBookstore.

Storm Clouds: Hero's Sword Vol. 2
Storm Clouds: Hero's Sword Volume 2: Available from Amazon; coming soon to other e-tailers.

Wedding Bells: Hero's Sword Volume 3: unscheduled release
Lightening Strike: Hero's Sword Volume 4: unscheduled release

Crime Fiction
The Novel
Working Title: Out of the Blue (new working title, but not sure this is "the one" either) 

Out of the Blue is a 90,000 word traditional mystery about a former investigative journalist who finds forgiveness and redemption through investigating the murder of an elderly woman. Set in Buffalo, NY it ties into the regional history of the Pan American Expo of 1901. 

The Laurel Highlands Mysteries (short stories & novelettes)

The Laurel Highlands seem idyllic, but for Trooper First Class Jim Duncan it's anything but peaceful as he investigates the murder of a visitor from Pittsburgh, a local politician's wife, the director of the local 4H chapter, and others in this series of short fiction.

An Idyllic Place for Murdercoming in the spring/summer issue of Mysterical-E.
Death and Politicsunscheduled release
Batter Down: coming in an e-anthology from the Mary Roberts Rinehart chapter of Sisters in Crime, December 2013

The Romance Novellas

Rebound Girl
Kaylee Donoghue and Ben Cooper are each in Puerto Rico to relax and "get away from it all," but will their sudden friendship heal their romantic wounds, or just create fresh heartbreak?

Betting on Love
When workaholic Lucy Cole makes a drunken bet, will she reinforce Rob Trenton's belief that all women have an "angle" or can the two find lasting love?

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